Building in sustainability


Carbon emissions are our company’s most significant sustainability impact. In January 2022, we established an ambitious carbon reduction plan to achieve our net zero carbon goal, as we also support our clients with theirs.

Our net zero strategy is structured around seven goals that will enable us to achieve net zero carbon by 2040. At least 90% will be achieved through emission reduction, with residual emissions offset with high quality and certified carbon removal investments.

Our long-term 2045 target is supplemented by a near-term Science-based target for 2030. This target aligns our reduction trajectory with the need to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees, in order to reduce the worst impacts of climate change.

The seven goals we’re focussing on are: reducing our travel, improving the efficiency of our fleet, enabling low carbon transport by our employees, pioneering green innovations, integrating carbon reduction throughout our business, and neutralising our impact through high quality and certified carbon offsets. Our approach is structured around robust management systems, including ISO 14001, led by our Managing Director Robin Blake.

A number of successful emission reduction initiatives have already been implemented, including establishing ‘Green Offices’ at Hitchin. These pioneering sites include a diverse range of sustainable initiatives including a green wall, infra-red heaters, renewable energy supply, and outfitted solar panels.

On projects when the energy supply is controlled by Ashe, we are using 100% REGO backed renewable energy. With our supply chain we working to reduce packaging waste, in particular single use plastic, and using renewable materials wherever possible, including concrete and bricks that are made from 90% recyclable materials that can be recycled at end of life at demolition phases.

A detailed explanation of our carbon emissions and reduction programmes can be found in our extensive policy document, where information on governance and individual targets can also be found.


Learn about our design and delivery of the award winning Net Zero Carbon project at The Valley School in Stevenage

Read the case study

Our road map to net zero highlights our passion for managing and reducing our impact on the climate with our ambitious net zero carbon target.

Green roofing solutions are now a regular request and can include many different elements from insulation to solar panels to rooftop gardens that help to support air quality.

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