I initially joined in 2017as a Compliance Manager and was responsible for working independently and carrying out audits on site. Through that role I saw a lot of opportunities to raise out standards further, to not only meet but exceed our clients’ expectations and regulatory requirements.
Today I’m Compliance and Business Support Manager working with an amazing team of people, previously known as the Admin Team. The rebranding of our team was absolutely appropriate as we’ve really extended the reach of our work to help our teams on site deliver projects effectively.
I was awarded Employee of the Year in 2018 which was lovely recognition of the work I achieved with my team.
I’ve always received great encouragement from my line manager. Any suggestions I put forward on how things can be improved are taken seriously.
Site teams are very responsive to the work Compliance and Business Support do and will come to my team with ideas, just as much as we go to them with improvement initiatives.