Rob Hatchett

Quality Manager


11 years

Rob has demonstrated his exceptional talent and ability, quickly rising through the ranks at Ashe to become our Quality Manager. Rob’s key strength is his keen eye for detail which is supported by his excellent technical construction knowledge. With Rob’s background in site management, he has an excellent understanding of site operations and ensures our teams provide the highest standards for our clients. Rob’s friendly approach has seen him build excellent relationships with clients and colleagues alike, and his professionalism ensures he maintains his eye for quality at all times.

  • Role & Responsibilities

    Rob develops, implements, and sustains Quality assurance and continuous improvement strategies,systems and programmes that drive commonality and compliance. Lead motivate and engage implementation of the Quality strategy with the Ashe Staff. He monitors the quality system procedures of the site teams, subcontractors, and suppliers.

  • Memorable Achievement

    I once completed the London to Brighton offroad mountain biking challenge. I put in a lot of hard work to train for the challenge so to complete it was an amazing achievement for me and an experience I’ll never forget!

Ashe Employee

Career Highlights

Completing the Park Place Plaza Project was a big highlight for me as it was the biggest project I had ever worked on at the time. I have lived around Stevenage my whole life so it was nice to see this project kick-start the development of the town. It was well received as we were nominated for Building Control Awards!